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Introduction to epigenetics

Introduction to epigenetics
In this project we will try to show that plants are sensitive to emotions, which is why I believe that epigenetics is an important issue to explain. Epigenetics, a term derived from Greek that means "above genetics," Epigenetics, a term (habitually used to describe how genetic information is used to describe development to produce an organism). With more technical terms, epigenetic change can be considered that influences the phenotype without affecting the genotype. (it is a regulation system that controls the expression of genes without affecting the composition of the genes themselves). that is to say that the DNA molecule is not altered.
To further understand this process, you need to know how the process of protein synthesis works. DNA (genotype) identifies a species. The phenotype is the variation of the same species in different environments, that is to say that the same DNA can express different responses or rather different proteins. Ultimately they can simplify the DNA in the nucleus of cells according to the stimulus opens a piece of the chain which is copied into mRNA (messenger RNA), this through the pores of the nucleus membrane passes to the cytoplasm where it is associated to the ribosomes (ARNr). In the ribosomes there is recognition for triplets that correspond to a specific amino acid, the tRNA (transferring ARN) by binding an amino acid to the other we form the protein.
An example would be carrot, its seed has the specific genotype of the carrot. If we plant a seed in an environment favorable to carrots, we will have a well-developed carrot, if we put the same seed in unfavorable conditions (rocks, little water ...) the carrot can develop different tips, not grow so much, little color This difference is the phenotype, the factors that have developed phenotypes are what studies epigenetics.
Researchers at Max-Planck-Institute in Freiburg (Germany), Institute for Immunology and Epigenetics. They have shown that epigenetic instructions can be transmitted to children, this result shows that epigenetic memory is essential for the development of new generations. The epigenetic factors that influence man can be the way of eating, eating, lifestyle and emotions.
